
Reiki is a Japanese word that means “universal life energy.” It is a form of energy healing that uses the practitioner’s hands to channel healing energy into the recipient. Reiki is believed to have many benefits, including reduced pain, improved sleep, increased energy levels, reduced stress, improved mood, enhanced creativity, improved relationships, and enhanced spiritual well-being.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that is based on the belief that there is a universal life force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki practitioners believe that this energy can be channelled to promote healing and well-being.

Reiki Healing sessions typically involve the practitioner placing their hands on or near the recipient’s body. The practitioner does not use any pressure, and the recipient may feel a warm or tingling sensation during the session.

How does Reiki work?

The exact mechanism of how Reiki works is not fully understood. However, some believe that it works by balancing the body’s energy field, which is thought to be responsible for health and well-being. Others believe that it works by promoting relaxation and stress relief, which can lead to physical and emotional healing.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is believed to have many benefits, including:

  • Reduced pain: Reiki can help to reduce pain by balancing the body’s energy field.
  • Improved sleep: Reiki can help to improve sleep quality and quantity by promoting relaxation and stress relief.
  • Increased energy levels: Reiki can help to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue by balancing the body’s energy field. Reiki healing for increased energy levels
  • Reduced stress: Reiki can help to reduce stress by promoting relaxation and calmness.
  • Improved mood: Reiki can help to improve mood by promoting feelings of peace and happiness.
  • Enhanced creativity: Reiki can help to enhance creativity by promoting a sense of clarity and focus.
  • Improved relationships: Reiki can help to improve relationships by promoting communication and understanding.
  • Enhanced spiritual well-being: Reiki can help to enhance spiritual well-being by promoting a sense of connection and purpose.


Is Reiki safe?

Reiki is generally considered a safe and non-invasive form of energy healing when administered by certified and trained practitioners. It involves gentle touch or hand movements over the body to promote relaxation and balance energy. While there are no known major risks associated with Reiki, it’s important to remember that it should complement, not replace, conventional medical care for serious health conditions. Individual experiences may vary, and it’s advisable to seek reputable practitioners, respect personal preferences, and maintain realistic expectations when considering Reiki as a complementary therapy.

Who can benefit from Reiki?

Reiki can be beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds. It is especially helpful for people who are experiencing physical or emotional pain, stress, or anxiety.

How do I find a Reiki practitioner?

There are many Reiki practitioners available today. You can find a practitioner by asking your friends or family for recommendations, or by searching online. When choosing a Reiki practitioner, it is important to find someone whom you feel comfortable with and who you believe can help you.

What should I expect during a Reiki session?

A typical Reiki session will last for about 60 minutes. The practitioner will begin by asking you about your health history and any specific concerns you have. They will then place their hands on or near your body in a variety of positions. You may feel a warm or tingling sensation during the session.

How many Reiki sessions do I need?

The number of Reiki sessions you need will vary depending on your individual needs. Some people may only need one or two sessions, while others may need more. It is important to listen to your body and schedule additional sessions as needed.


Reiki is a holistic approach to well-being that can be beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds. If you are interested in learning more about Reiki, get in touch with me at

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